I just got these nifty Dumb Politician iPhone covers in (3G/3GS only). If you’re interested in scooping one up you can do so by clicking the image below. Each case is printed using Thermo-Active Transdermal Technology (a new process developed by a company called “Uncommon”). This particular process ensures durable, long lasting, high resolution imagery on every case. I’m super happy with how well they turned out and I’m confident that you guys will be happy with them as well.
To those of you that are interested in setting up an appointment with me for my Florida trip, I’ll be shooting out an email here in about three weeks. I usually give my mailing list first priority so if you haven’t joined it yet you can do so here. A lot of people have been showing interest in booking with me for this trip so definitely hit me back as soon as you get the email to ensure a spot.