I dropped this piece off about 2 weeks ago in Miami beach for the first annual Tattoolapalooza. I stayed super busy and got to hang out with one of my bestest friends Jason Stephan. All in all I had a great time!

I ended up scooping up "Tattoo of the Day" on Sat. which is pretty awesome being that there were a ton of Awesome tattoo artists there. The collector of this piece had been battling a disease that ended up requiring surgery and changing his way of life. During his battle with this disease he thought that it would ruin his quality of life. So I created this piece to illustrate that although the disease may have won the small battle, there was a bigger battle to be fought. The battle for the brain and his ability to continue a high quality life even with his loss.
Today Electric Pick and I are gonna go chill out at a cafe' and release some of this creative energy that has accumulated over the past couple of days. We just spent two full days at the comic-con and are overwhelmed by the inspiration. Hopefully I'll have some fun stuff to show you soon. Till then, stay safe, it's a dangerous world out there!!