So I went down to Fuzion Ink to do a guest spot for their one year anniversary and had all intention of finishing every piece I had started, but just like every other guest spot I do, I ended up getting myself in way over my head on one of the pieces. Fortunately for me, Fuzion Ink is only about an hour and a half from hear and Tom was more then willing to travel. Tom had initially asked me for a dragon on his chest, but before I knew it I had filled the page with a drawing that was ridiculously too big. So I showed Tom the piece and told him that it would look much better on the ribs, but if he wasn't willing to go that route then I'd draw something else up that would fit a little better. He liked the drawing so much that he offered up his ribs and we started crunchin away. I honestly didn't think he'd go for it but after we had finished the first session I threw out the idea of bringing it down and showing everything under water. The first couple of sittings he really didn't say much about it but as we got closer to finishing the upper half he started talking about bringing it down. Below is the sketch of the lower half that I drew on a photo of the upper half that I took before the last session. I'm hoping to have this piece knocked out within the next couple of months. So as soon as I have some good pictures of the completed piece I'll toss them up.